Saturday, August 28, 2010


My free onion sets are gloating in the rain shower along with the 6 broccoli plants and 2 curly kale plants. I am sorry i didn't plant the lettuce, but will tomorrow. Looking forward to trying to recreate the corn, chard, squash fritters i invented on Thurs for Meg and Carol tomorrow - and stew up a bit of okra for Carol and me! it is just a washed green evening with katydid and crickets in the ears...a fine cap to a morning with my favorite two year old! The clerodendrum wafts its fragrance on the way to the river; on the other - west/north side of the house, the silver lace scents the air.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

rainy day and cool

Burning junk mail in wood stove this 59 degree morning. Photo by Ez when we played with DD. Yesterday I hiked up to the blue house to play with DD for most of the day...she was amazing, napping for almost two hours and then singing to her little bear for almost another hour! I read in one of the hammocks on the porch - happily gazing at the mountains which stretch further into the horizon than i see from the hollow, more lazy than i would have been in my house! We got a clean diaper, picked up Barnaby James, found our crocs and walked down to my house. After checking the chickens (2 eggs), picking green beans and walking down to the first creek crossing, we cooked dinner. We hadn't finished eating when Baba and Mama arrived to have some roasted vegetables with us.

Friday, August 20, 2010

uncle Ez

Uncle Ez with DD and Kingsley - one of the two days without rain (tho rain is needed, certainly has greened the hills, ripened the corn, burst the grape tomatoes and even a few remaining figs). Today, Ez and Jen and Kingsley's last day here is lovely sun and dry. Ez's friend from Houston, John, flew up and the two have been camping out at the river, playing golf on days without rain.
How pleasant that the air itself is anodyne to any stress, that to sleep by the sound of river slakes the spirit better than any manufactured drink, would want that this be so for all who visit.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

happy mama

Ezra's home, brought his fishing gear; of course, he's 35 years grown from this picture . has a beautiful wife and dog; wears pants. What is a treat for me is to see both my boys at the same time - silly i guess how a mother is, but it does delight the heart. My cats are so dismissive of Kingsley that he doesn't know what to do - he hasn't even barked at them!

Friday, August 6, 2010

blooming thyme

Garden is happy: corn tasseling with small ears swelling on the stalks, climbing beans on the stalks are just blooming; enough blue lake bush beans for dinner last night (steamed, then stirred with quinoa and pepper cheese); okra just beginning (soon enough for Carol!); tomatoes for breakfast lunch and dinner and found baby arugula - yum!

a fig is a flower

my second fig in vase between gardenias!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

a fig, A FIG

i was planning to take its picture before i plunged into the dark purple skin, but i obviously couldn't wait! i can't say that it was as sweet as the figs of my youth, ones gathered from the neighbor's tree whose limbs grew over their fence, but oh, it was close for a potted tree. I will savor the next, and the next one. I will remember the names of those I know who also love figs. I will share vicariously my treat!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

mindful fast

Not sure if it is at all possible: mindful fast; but will attempt it! By eleven AM this morning my HughesNet connection was complete; I am impressed. Moving about the house I am acutely aware of the computer which I used to ignore. It was amazing to be able to read email AND to be able to follow up on video or articles...dangerous !
Finished a good book as the finishing touches on the hook up were being made: LOVING FRANK. Now to return to a fascinating account of the history of New Orleans: THE WORLD THAT MADE NEW ORLEANS by Ned Sublette.