well, we were pretending and the animals had tired of the swing - thinking of constructing a small tree house for bear and friends...of course, a sturdy Nannee and DD tree house would be best. it appears to be a good river day, growing warm in the sun. DD and I planted some of the beans that Alma gave us which will climb up the corn and we brought mulch for the chicken laying boxes; now i must clean out the chicken water! We sang a song for the missing hoe, until Nannee guessed that Baba had used it to mix concrete for the new front step and returned the hoe to the place where tools are supposed to be (not left in the garden as Nannee is want to do...ah, another photo opportunity, the new step!!
I was trying to explain to my friend on the phone last night that a march on DC to protest off shore deep water drilling would maybe not be as effective as Vietnam protests - unless we could muster enough local coast folk - as so much of the coast's economy is tied into the drilling. What I keep thinking is that a march on DC for clean water might be a better rally theme. Clean water with strong regulations on corporations and farmers and cities to keep our water from pollution (both drinking water and seas from which we harvest food). The habits of our nation NEED to change!
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