I've learned it wasn't in the stars
yet you still sit there on the couch
invisible in silence held to the book
not my God who wouldn't have allowed
his day to be diminished by watching TV or gambling or golf
no your God of penis and End days
I've learned I was driven near crazy
by your thirstless lack of curiosity, disdain of change
that your presence collects in pools of memory
that can be smudged off by work
as inane as vacuuming or walk
I've learned in this one month
that I can miss you and not
can heft a 50lb bag of feed
without cursing your sorry no ass
the cats are happier by half
I've survived 30 days of snow and ice
BE GONE ghost
(work in progress!)
You rock! We wondered if you were writing about it and now we know. :)