Friday, October 5, 2012

Invasion of privacy

Some person slipped a hand written note into my car parked at Krogers Thursday, accusing me of being a member of a party that "is destroying our country." The person asks if I remember "that Obama turned a 10.4 trillion dollar debt ceiling into one valued at 16 trillion."
So this is what I can expect from driving a sky blue Prius with an OBAMA magnet on the side, a LIBERAL sticker on the bumper along with a campaign sticker for FLACCAVENTO. Many friends have had their Obama yard signs pilfered in the night, or spray painted with a "N". 
I wonder just whose "country" this note writer lives in? Doesn't appear to be the same country I recognize. Of course, my fear for the country in which I live if Romney/Ryan were to come into power concerns a loss of women's choice, a loss of middle class, a loss of separation of church and state, a loss of regulations on water and air, a loss of the power of the EPA and so forth. The debt is great, but according to all the economists which I have read, it is manageable. But I can not write back to this anonymous invader of my car space.

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