Monday, October 5, 2009

Honey and Cinnamon

From a seminar by Robin Murphy, ND in Blacksburg this past weekend: honey and cinnamon have various and wide medicinal uses: strengthen immune system, kill influenza germs, remove pimples, helps digest food, lower cholesterol, stop pain of arthritis and more. For colds take one tablespoon honey (warmed) with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. To add to tea, first make a paste of honey and cinnamon (1 Tbs honey to 1 sm. teas. cinnamon).
Another amazing natural medicine is CHIA SEED - which IS the seed used in the "chia pets" to sprout on the terracotta base!! look online at : or . This superfood from south America bestows endurance and staves off hunger and thirst - "Indian running food."

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