Saturday, October 9, 2010


I found the picture of Greystroke that Molly had taken years ago; he really was a handsome cat. What is most amazing is that a new male cat has arrived - coming out from the spring house when i went to close the chickens Friday evening (I was calling out from Greystroke as i've been doing whenever i go out into the yard). He's a sturdy healthy and friendly guy, a tabby - I'm calling him Oskar. He is leery of dogs and has not come into the house - he eats well!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This picture is mesmerizing! What a handsome soul! I wonder what those Fates have in store for you and this new cat and why he shows when Greystroke leaves? Did Grey send him to you in his place? I want to keep looking at his face, nonetheless.
