Sunday, August 5, 2012

back, back back

At the surgeon's office on Tuesday, I opted for operating the next day, Wednesday, August 1. So I am here with less flesh and back spasms from the tighter flesh suit - not terrible spasms, more like ripples which seem prompted by certain activities, like washing dishes or hanging clothes on the line. Pain isn't really an issue, I can sleep on my back, at least for awhile. And I am relieved to have the black spot gone. Back to the mantra of my poems into the memory bank for our performance in September. Back Back! 

Ezra sent wonderful pictures of 6 week old Fia. This one I've printed for the new frame which Yoga Sharon brought. Now to choose from my many pictures of DD for the other frame. Wish I had taken my camera to Steppin OUt yesterday to get a shot of DD leading her gymnastics's class at their performance. She is amazing. She came down to play with Sharon and me on Friday and this morning, regaling us with her stories of myriad babies and friends in the animal world. And she danced!

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