Was spring, still is out the door this evening, 60 degrees, almost 70! Pink came out to the hollar for a walk about, raising some healing energy for Diane if not to our old bones. Not green yet, not like in the photo, but daffodils poking up and crocuses blooming along with the jasmine. Picked some pussy willow branches to force inside. I know it will be cold tomorrow, but how can one shrink from the moving earth.
Saw Ez on You Tube...
ReplyDeleteMary, you did something right....both of your sons turned out to be amazing and insightful men. I am sure you are proud. As Mothers, sometimes it is nice to get a pat on the back.
Mary, the Redbud walk is a memory that I will cherish for the remainding of the winter when I go back to Savannah and am walking around Daffin Park where it is flat flat flat. the high light of the winter for me...love these words, "how can one shrink from the moving earth" we felt it that day right under our feet