Tuesday, February 1, 2011

going down to Ocean Springs

Dad's friend Stewart is helmsman, dad's checking the sails with his cigar as telltail, mother is scratching her dear lab, Doc. Picture from my brother's wedding 1994. My brother has asked me to come down and I want to be there for him. Dad's not very responsive. Now praying the weather will allow for the trip! Susan is house/animal sitting, a big order. Arriving on the evening of Dad's 90th birthday! Busy today trying to make animals comfortable for several days to cut down on chores - hope Andy, Katy or/& Stefan join her this weekend if she wants company. And I do hope that we don't get any SNOW/ice. just heard from Ezra, he's got a free ticket to Gulfport - going to get a room at one of the casinos so we can watch the super bowl!

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