Sunday, March 27, 2011

on the brighter side

Our luscious warm weather seems history, my winter coat i had prematurely washed, is back on. Nevertheless, spring is all about the house, all green and yellow here with the red buds in suspension; i wonder if they hesitate sensing we are due two more below freezing nights?
P is drawing circles very well now - when we're not dramatizing "baby sad," which is a role assigned to me. I rub my eyes and boo hoo and when P looks at me, I laugh. I keep saying, "but i'm not sad, you are here!" It doesn't matter, we need to play "sad" and sometimes, "mad." I seem to be genuine enough at "mad" that I am seldom given that part. I ask her how to be sad and she jumps up. "Can I jump and be sad?" I ask. We discuss that; it isn't acceptable. If I do a fairly good sad, P brings me a ball. We can play ball and play at sad - especially if I miss the bucket that we use as a basket. I am so ready to move on to another role, but if P asks, I am a willing player. Mr. Lee hovers under the chair hoping for scraps! Yesterday evening he buried a dog biscuit in the yard. oh, happy me with P and mr. lee.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha! I get cast in the role of sad, too. I think it's all about learning how to read faces, which is a good skill to have.
    Can't believe this weather!!!!!!!!!!
