Sunday, December 26, 2010

First human prints in the snow to river

I shoveled out a section of the chicken yard and amazingly the hens took a walk and peck outside; leaving the light on all day has garnered me 4 eggs the last two days! Fed the baa-ing goats some corn and brought fresh water; they seem intent on finding other goodies under the snow. This evening I hiked to the river without Mr. Lee, as I worried it would be a bit much. Transfixed on the patterns the snow made falling from the trees. The forecast is for more snow tonight, but this evening the sky seems lighter - we have enough.
And this morning played with P, blowing bubbles and rocking baby, tossing new balls and singing "grandma, grandma..."! We ate popcorn and fed some to baby and we fashioned a hammock of sorts out of a scarf for baby. I was fueled by an expresso made with my new little maker - it is perfect. Oh, happiness to be snow bound with P and Mr. Lee (and dear Katrina!).

1 comment:

  1. Smiles to you Mary! I can feel your happiness through your words. These be-ings fill your home with so much life and love..I am glad for you.
