Friday, September 3, 2010


With help from the gardening two year old, I shelled some beans! Beans now in my freezer and discarded cases in the chicken yard - the weather has been absolutely fabulous. I've been swimming these warm afternoons in the cool clear river in spite of thoughts that it was too cool and my last swim of the year had been in August. Must say that Miss water wings was most encouraging to Nannee - tho i didn't leap in as she manages! Trying to mend from the disappointment in my Hughes Net satellite connection - which is fast enuf but which has a governor on 24 hr use of downloads; basically I was hoping to catch some of the US Open tennis via internet - but it uses beaucoup download time. Grrrrr....they get you hooked and then they persuade you to up your service. it is all mega bucks to Hughes Net. But oh, I'm over it; ha!


  1. What a beautiful sculpture. The colors are perfect to start a blissful September! Thanks again for sharing your space. I hope we didn't wake you leaving so early..there is nothing like the morning fog in the mountains of Virginia to awaken ones day.

  2. I love this picture! D.D. is still talking about the beans.

  3. Everything looks good in red! Especially DD
