Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Green Smoothie 101

This morning's smoothie: one banana, two slices of fresh pineapple, handful of fresh spinach from grocery, and handful of green from my garden (beet, chard and tender greens) - and 1/3 cup of water. Will post other concoctions during the summer. Yesterday I added an aloe leaf and part of mango. I learned to restrain myself from being too creative as some combinations are too strong to stomach easily; bitter greens need to be balance by some sweet fruit. The ripeness of the bananas makes a difference also. Variety is highly recommended; I over did the watercress smoothies. Watercress has gone to seed, but will produce another crop later in the summer - I can root under the flowering tops to find tender leaves still. Fortunately, the garden is beginning to offer delicious options. Baldwin likes the tender pea plants - I haven't tried, but plan to soon. I usually add several parsley leaves. 


  1. Ahhh..this made my morning. Great recipe. I totally agree on over doing the ingredients. As is said in "Green For Life"..go simple. As you get acclimated with the taste of green, less and less fruit is needed. To cut the bitter taste of some greens I add ginger root. Cayenne pepper is nice, too. Try some nettles..the stingers don't stink once blended. And speaking of blended...I am waiting for one of you new Vitamix owners to post about the most amazing machine ever!! Do tell...what to you think?

  2. LOVE IT, dream of things to puree - just amazing. Walking up to put mail in box with mr lee about an hour ago, I noticed that the deer were munching on the tender ends of the wine berry canes - first I was darn the deer, second I thought - those leaves would be good in my smoothie! I think I remember that raspberry leaf tea is good for pregnant women??? sooth labor? cheers to you, Faith
