Mr. Lee was tail down lethargic yesterday, didn't eat nor drink; alarmed, I took him to the vet to have him tested for the dreaded tick disease, Lyme's. His test turned positive in 5 minutes, 1/2 the designated time; I came home with antibiotics for a month. Fortunately, Mr. Lee perked up once home and DD stopping bye. He ate some food and I gave him his first pill - and he lapped up some plain yogurt. Today he has been better, although very easily over excited, panting as if it were 90 degrees which it is not close to being. We were going to join Mindy and DD on their walk to the river, but I decided it would be
too much for Lee - and we went inside to read on my yellow chair. His heart rate was up and it took him awhile to deflate. But he is eating well today. We both enjoyed DD and the two Christine's visiting! Mr. Lee took to Chris' lap while we chatted and watched the young ones play with the doll house and blocks. Grandmas play date, a very very satisfying time. "I like Christine," said DD afterward; "but why two Christines?" ah...
Mr. Lee on Monday in celebration mood sitting on Diane's lap. Today, he can hardly jump up into a lap and I have carried him upstairs a couple of times today. He was delighted to have Chris and Christine here this morning and it was a quiet time for him. Wish I had taken pictures, but do have one of Chris from Monday. There is nothing as sad as a sick dog! Luckily for Mr. Lee, I stopped by the Buffalo & More Restaurant yesterday evening and bought a pound of their home cured local bacon. I cooked one piece this morning and saved the grease for Mr. Lee's kibbles. I think this is the first piece of bacon I have eaten in two years - sinfully good.

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