Web out to celebrate my 67th and to usher in light and warmth and party time on my deck, shooing off any lingering despair of winter! Mr Lee beside himself with laps upon which he might park and the smell of Ann's meat loaf, Susan's asparagus quiche or Elizabeth's deviled eggs. Mr. Lee proved to be most fond of Diane. What a fine delicious evening; even though half of us can't manage a walk to the river, we still rouse sparks and much laughter. Memories of the evening danced in my head as I washed dishes - I had vision of our performance which I will hope to commit to page. Today I stare at the poppy seed lemon pound cake tickled that my breakfast is fixed for days to come!
lucky me
Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Birth(ing) Day today, Mary!! I am so glad that you have these wonderful "sisters" to journey with you in this life.
ReplyDeleteMany Blessings for you during this year. You have started it off right! :)