Thursday, November 4, 2010

what did i mean?

I changed the "arter" to after, but i was sort of intrigued with arter! I should a artered, instead of spending the day at the polls. Today the kind secretary at the Auburn UMC (where we do qigong) handed me a small picture of a border collie pup from the paper - a sister of the puppy she recently got for her family! We've chatted about dogs, she went several years between dogs. So dogs seem to be coming at me!
"If you do what everyone else does, you won't lead an extraordinary life." The quote is from my friend whose dentist told this to his children; he bicycles to work in Roanoke, travels to Africa where he offers free dental work and he is 80 and still working.
It was good therapy to go out into the fields yesterday with my chainsaw and cut down small scrub pines and locust. Like splitting wood, hard work does seem to help dispel aggressive feelings - anger. I do think that we may have hit on something discussing the out come of the election before we began qigong: that some of the "tea party folk" compartmentalize notions and fail to make connections. In this sense, they cannot see the idiocy of their words - the lack of logic, the no facts. for example, the notion that abstinence works, when it has proven to not work (statistics on teenage pregnancy point this out). We could have talked the morning away! "Aren't we wise!" as Katharine Heath might say!


  1. Chihuahua=yes
    Border Collie=no
    *and here's why: you need a small dog that you can care for (bathe, load into the car, handle, ect). you also need a dog that is not high strung or hyper.
    Just our two cents!

  2. Shit, I thought you meant "The Day Alter!!"

    That is what perspective does..everyone has theirs...and I say no way to chihuahua! The ones I know are super hyper-yip, yip, yip all the day long..not mellow yellow like the hollow in Autumn. What about an english spaniel-esque-ish? From what my daughter has researched, they don't shed much and are small-ish and have cute ears...

  3. i still think a cockapoo might be good..
