Friday, January 27, 2012

Multo Egg Day

Yesterday, lovely warm and TEN eggs (one broken in the nest - I'm unsure whether with intent or accident). I can now peek in the chicken house at closing and assess the crowd without struggling to count and recount until I get to 20! I'm becoming familiar with the lot, a lovely mix of hens which I note delight Mahoney rooster. I've gathered a bucket of dry pine needles for the nest as there is much rearranging by the hens, scattering the nesting box contents.
Most exciting planning for the end of May; one of my friends (she and I and my twin were the "three musketeers" in elementary school - and Mary Louise lived just a couple of blocks from the best snow ball place in New Orleans) called the other night and mentioned that she was thinking of going to Machu Picchu! I without hesitation asked to join her trip - of all the places in the world, this is one place I would most like to see. Now we have a date, May 24-31st - right before the tourist season begins there. Mary Louise speaks Spanish and so does the woman planning the trip - so I will be in good company.

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