It seems a half assed sort of victory that the "personhood" bill has been sent back to committee. This means that the same idiotic NON scientific notion of confirming personhood at the time of conception to the fertilized egg - floating yet - will return to debate in 2013. This is a move so our Governor can save face and still be considered as a possible Republican Vice Presidential nominee. Disgust has no bounds.
Rainy warm morning. Spring is loosened and the threat of a cold weekend can't dim the smell nor color. I'm eating watercress in my green smoothies and still cutting arugula, beet leaves and chard from plastic shrouded hoops in the garden. Yesterday there were two red cherry tomatoes on the plant in the Blue green house. I ate one. So sweet. Last week I brought up a cup of worm casing to give the plant and felt I deserved the treat!
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