Espresso, with chicory and made with Kangen water. Tara and Kathy came for dinner last night and demonstrated their new Kangen water machine. Alma came as our resident scientist, objective skeptic. I must say that after John's work with Nikken, I too am skeptic of such things...and here again is a promotion of the benefits of magnets ("Scientists have discovered that running water past magnetically charged plates makes it possible to separate water into two streams: one that is alkaline and one that is acidic." - pamphlet from Kangen)
Tara tested my water which I already knew was on the alkaline side as I tend to kill any azalea that i plant; and, indeed, the spring is 7.59 PH. Where my water differs from that of Kangen water is in the "ionization" process which supposedly imbues Kangen water with "oxidation-reduction potential" (eg neutralizes free radicals). So I now have 6 gallons of this detoxifying (their word) water which Tara and Kathy will replace in a week so that I can test out the efficacy of the machine. Mind you the machines cost from 2 to 4 thousand dollars (you can get one paying 44 dollars a month - for years!). Sounds like another pyramid scheme; at least, from the way the product is marketed. If you buy one, you can make money back by selling the product (like Nikken). Problem is that the market is easily saturated; it is difficult to recoup the original investment.
Tara and Kathy had many stories of healing sparked by the Kangen water; Alma pointed out that benefits might be due to merely drinking more water - which folks tend not to do. Plus part of the sales pitch demonstrates just how acidic most bottled water is, along with energy drinks and sodas. Duh. Thus if someone drinks more water and cuts out sodas, they are going to feel better regardless of whether Kangen or not. I am impressed that Kathy's got her feet back! And I would hazard that alkaline water alone would benefit cancer patients.
Enjoyed the company and the meal. I think my water is good enough and with the green smoothies I should be getting any benefits lacking in my water. Wet snow falling - temperature almost 40.
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