Exciting news: Ez and Jen are having a little GIRL! Would be exciting too if boy; but I must say that DD has spoiled me. I find I love little girl clothes. I love little girl talk. And as Ez says, "I've had my boys!" Oh, but boys are dear and just as imaginative and intelligent. Whatever! We are blessed.
You might note the above photo of my house guests looks strange. Mojo on the tiniest bed, trying to curl himself tight enough to fit! Irie luxuriating on Mojo's large bed - which is coveted by Mr. Lee and occasionally won for a quick nap. I bought more dog treats today and food; they are fond of the chicken soup stock that I have been adding to their plain kibbles. Mojo wolfs down his food in seconds, Irie takes her time and Mr. Lee leaves some for me to save for him for later ("i'm special"). It's a dogs' world here. Katrina doesn't even hang inside. She finds mole holes more stimulating.
Four o'clock, the choice: news of the world, BBC, or switch to FM for All Things Considered? Wine or no wine? Green smoothie or chicken soup? pound cake from Chris or brownies I made when Goff's visited? I am avoiding the harder choices which have arisen thanks to having agreed to judge a contest. The dilemma which presents itself is over the consensus three judges are supposed to reach! It is complicated by the fact that none of the submissions are stand outs.
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