Mojo found a deer carcass, deposited head under the plum and deposited poop in house. I think I may have gone to sleep too early, tired and nauseous. Now I'm wrestling with diarrhea which I'm hoping is merely a 24 hour bug. Need to check on the studio, but lazy. Lovely sun, hate feeling sick - got to be well for webbie lunch tomorrow. About to take some homeopathic Phosphorus and go into the green house to water the plants and be really warm, surrounded by green, flowers even.
Feeling better, cheers from Texas.
Afternoon walk to the river with goats who refused to join the dogs under the rare long leaf pine. Many turkey tracks arrowing us back and forth the creek. My dog company won't be happy with me, but I think I will leave them inside while I ride the truck up to get the mail.
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